Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I stole this from my main blog


16 January 2008

My Kids Are Hilarious!

These are just a few things that the kids have said over the years that have me laughing. Some are old and some are new.
I got a kick out of this and just thought I would share. Tonight as we were sitting at the dinner table eating, Taylor asked me if I knew how Aunt Laura spanks her kids. I told him that yes I know how she spanks them, and sometimes she uses a spoon. He then told me that she only uses the spoon on Ryan. I asked him if maybe I should start using the spoon to spank him and if I should take the spoon out right then. His response was exactly this, "Mom, you know you only take the spoon out to cook with!"
One day when Austyn was just a little baby, he was screaming at the top of his lungs and he was just very unhappy. Taylor thought he knew exactly what happened and he said, "Mom, I think you really pissed Austyn off!" Of course, I then had to explain to him that pissed was a bad word and we shouldn't say it. I couldn't help but to laugh.
Mark and I were driving down the road one day and Taylor asked this question, "Mom, are we Chinese?" I told him that we were not and I asked him why he would ask such a thing. His reasoning was this, "Well, we eat Chinese food a lot!"
Taylor has a homework assignment each week where he has to practice a group of words and then use each word in a sentence. One of his words was old. His sentence was, "My grandpa is so old!"
Yesterday Mark disappeared for a little bit and when he resurfaced I asked him where he went. He said he went to load some more Cd's into I-Tunes and then he had to drop the kids off at the pool. (poop) Austyn heard this and came running. He was so excited and he said, "MOM! Daddy take out pool for me!!" He thought he was going to get a chance to go swimming. Mark had to explain to him that wasn't quite what he meant.
Okay, well that's about all I can recall at the moment. I hope some of them made you laugh. If not, maybe you should re-evaluate your sense of humor! lol Just Kidding!!

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